I'm using two different custom post types, players and teams.

Most efficient way to get posts with postmeta. Getting posts. I'm developing a wordpress plugin.

For instance, on my Genesis category archive it’s the 10 most recent posts in that category.

... Suffice it to say that the correct way to modify queries anywhere on your WordPress site is through the pre_get_posts action hook ... Here’s the complete query for anybody who wants run a pre_get_posts meta query. WPのquery中のmeta_queryを、pre_get_postsフックでfilterする方法 ... WordPressでは、いくつか使い回しのできる外部ライブラリが組み込まれていて、そのうちの一つがezSQLだ。このezSQLは、WordPress … Pre_get_posts filter usando comparação de meta_query numérica (a partir de datas) Eu tenho um campo ACF de prazo de validade 'post_end_date' que foi aplicado a vários tipo s de postagem, … I'm doing an AJAX request using admin-ajax.php whereby I filter posts based on which check-box is checked. Howdy WP developer! Discussed in depth in the video, the pre_get_posts action allows us to easily modify queries anywhere on the site. Just a quick reminder: when you're visiting any page of a WordPress install, the system creates a query that depends on the url you're visiting. Suffice it to say that the correct way to modify queries anywhere on your WordPress site is through the pre_get_posts action hook (also available as a filter). Check out the new WordPress Code Reference!

WP_Meta_Query is a helper that allows primary query classes, ... Hook into filter pre_get_posts to modify the parameters of the main query which WordPress uses to query the result of the search page. There is only one query and all plugins needing to change the list of posts will hook into it.

So after a lot of reading I gather that my other option to modify the main query is using pre_get_posts, ... have you gotten a meta_query to work with this solution? ; While editing a specific team post, I'm trying to have an array of all the players that currently have that team's name posted to their meta field for team name. Please note these examples use the WP_Queryobject rather than the get_posts function, however the arguments and logic remain the … Meta query in pre_get_posts. WordPress固定ページにカテゴリ一覧を編集する方法」の記事を書くときに使ってみましたが、query_posts()関数はそもそも正しく動作しない場合もあります。 投稿の情報を検索して情報を取得する場合は get_posts()関数を使いましょう。 - WordPress

The “main query” is whatever WordPress uses to build the content on the current page. Before learning how to get posts by custom fields, you have to know how to get posts. The first four examples above all require altering the main query. You mean something like WHERE metatable1.meta_key = 'cp_annonceur' AND metatable1.meta_value = 'professionnel' AND metatable2.meta_key = 'cp_other_meta' AND metatable2.meta_value = 'other_value'? This method is encouraged. ; Teams has relevant meta fields of team name. There are two ideal ways to get posts: get_posts: This function simply creates an … 現在wordpressのpostからキーワードに当てはまる条件検索をしたいと模索しています。色々なサイトを参考にしようとしましたが、どこもカスタムフィールドだったらカスタムフィールドのみでしか … Categories Advanced Tutorials. Posted On June 27, 2012. wordpressのget_postsとWP_Queryの違いとそれぞれの特徴についてですが 2つに大きな違いはありません。違いがあるとすれば取得できる情報量の違いになります。 meta_query (配列) - カスタムフィールドの複雑なパラメータ (バージョン 3.1 より利用可能)。 relation (文字列) - meta_query の中に2つ以上の配列を入れたときの論理的な関係。使える値は 'AND' と … meta-query, pre-get-posts, search v3nt 4 weeks 0 Answers 41 views 0. WordPressのWP_Queryやpre_get_postsアクション内で投稿を取ってくる時に、一緒にできない複数の条件(複数のSELECT文が必要な条件)で投稿を取得したいような時のメモ。 メインループ外の場 … below you will find an assortment of examples.

Ask Question Asked 8 years, 5 months ago. This is not a usage question (Those should be directed to the community supported forum, unless this is a question about Polylang Pro in which case you should use the … We’ll use the WordPress hook pre_get_posts … You must login or register to add a new answer . Pre_get_posts is a hook "pre_get_posts" is a WordPress hook that allows you to modify the current query. Reported by: Spidlace: Owned by: Milestone: Priority: normal: Severity: normal: Version: 4.1: Component: Query: Keywords: Focuses: Cc: Description I don't know if it is already in place, but I want to add in the hook "pre_get_posts" custom field.

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