It seems, sometimes, when some events take place with hypervisor, the vms try to syncro with the host although syncro function is disabled in vmware tools. indicated. To restart the daemon from the …

My only suggestions is: do not use vmware-tools for time-syncing. Use proper software for this task (ntp-server and ntp-clients).

-Disable in vmware tools syncro options -by default disabled- but iit is a good option to disable the others options such as you have. Tutorial - Vmware NTP Configuration First, you need to access the Vmware web interface. This recommendation by VMWare specifically says not to use the vmware-tools for time synchronisation. Many times this isn’t necessary because the guest itself is using Network Time Protocol (NTP) or used the Active Directory domain time. The VMware Tools Configuration Utility User's Guide provides an introduction to using the VMware® Tools command-line utility to configure VMware Tools. You can change the time synchronization settings in the vCenter Server Appliance after deployment.. Native time synchronization software, such as Network Time Protocol (NTP) for Linux and the Mac OS X, or Microsoft Windows Time Service (Win32Time) for Windows, is typically more accurate than VMware Tools periodic time synchronization. Why? VMware Tools gives you the option to synchronize the time of the guest OS with the ESXi host. This software is a test tool that acts as a client to a NTP server. The Galleon NTP server tool reports on the responses it receives and allows you to check the accuracy and precision of a NTP time server..

The NTP server tool is easy to use and can test the accuracy and reliability of any NTP server. Make sure that NTP is working on the ESX Server (i.e. Welcome to the Free Galleon NTP server tool.. Let's talk first about why it is important to configure network time protocol (NTP) on ESXi host. Native time synchronization software, such as Network Time Protocol (NTP) for Linux and the Mac OS X, or Microsoft Windows Time Service (Win32Time) for Windows, is typically more accurate than VMware Tools periodic time synchronization and is therefore preferred. Use only one form of periodic time synchronization in your guests. ESXhost) Install, but turn off, NTP on the guest VM; ensure that the ntp.conf is valid Install VMWare tools on the guest VM and set timesync = true (see below) Edit /boot/grub/grub.conf(or whatever your boot config is … Open a browser software, enter the IP address of your Vmware ESXi server and access web interface. VMware Knowledge Base > 注:VMware Tools の定期時刻同期の代わりに NTP の使用を推奨しています。NTP は業界標準ですので、ゲスト OS の時刻を正確に保つことができます。 << ** VMware Tools の定期時刻同期と NTP のどちらを選択するか

But a way to do this is to restart the NTP-daemon, once it is loaded it will start with an initial poll and then remains running. VMware Tools is a suite of utilities that enhances the performance of a virtual machine. It seems like many people have issues with NTP, and the vmware-tools generally behaves in a predictable way. That's why this post – How to configure ESXi 6.5 Network Time Protocol (NTP) via Host Client as we'll be using ESXi Host Client for the NTP configuration. Why would proper time synchronization be a problem, you might ask? Intended Audience This book is intended for anyone who configures VMware Tools.

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