share | improve this answer | follow | answered Jul 11 '19 at 12:07 Python scipy.misc.comb() Examples The following are code examples for showing how to use scipy.misc.comb().

They are from open source Python projects. This would've been easy to find by googling "scipy.misc.comb" and seeing the result "scipy.special.comb" fairly high. model = ske.models.classic.GEV(anualmax,fit_method='mle', ci=0.2, ci_method="delta") produces this error: AttributeError: module 'scipy.misc' has no attribute 'comb' The errror ocurs since latest scipy … scipy.misc.comb¶ scipy.misc.comb(N, k, exact=False, repetition=False) [source] ¶ The number of combinations of N things taken k at a time.

I have installed (actually reinstalled) scipy: 10_x86_64.whl (19.8MB): 19.8MB downloaded Installing collected packages: scipy Successfully installed scipy But the misc subpackage is apparently not

To verify, either run your code again or type the below command: scipy.misc.imread. line 240 in from scipy import comb scipy.special.binom(4,3) 4.0 scipy.misc.comb(4,3) array(4.000000000000001) However what exactly are they doing differently?

I found that "comb" is under scipy.misc in scipy 0.11.0 (I dont know when this is moved), so the following change fixed the problem. For me this was: pip install numpy-1.11.1+mkl-cp27-cp27m-win32.whl pip install scipy-0.17.1-cp27-cp27m-win32.whl
In ipython I can see they return different types and also have different accuracy. You can vote up the examples you like or vote down the ones you don't like. Example 1. Project: vnpy_crypto Author: birforce File: MIT License :

AttributeError: 'module' object (scipy) has no attribute 'misc' Ask Question ... For image manipulation functions of scipy.misc such as imread() or imsave() to function correctly, pillow has to be installed. MAINT: import comb, factorial from scipy.special, not scipy.misc #4333 Merged rgommers merged 1 commit into scipy : master from ev-br : from_misc Dec 30, 2014

This is often expressed as “N choose k”. from scipy.misc import imread I was able to remove the errors and use the above line by first installing numpy+mkl and then installing scipy from Christoph Gohlke's website. What is the difference between scipy.special.binom and scipy.misc.comb?

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