For different use cases, which one should I choose? 10. Because of this, you won't want your drive to get too hot and make too much noise, damaging your drive. Seagate IronWolf: Uitvoering: Seagate ... WD Red (256MB cache), 4TB. Both the WD Red and the Seagate IronWolf are drives that each use different technologies which means they work better with your NAS, since your NAS is on 24 hours a day, writing and reading data each time you use it. My issue is that i'm placing the NAS in the living room where people also work etc. I'm planning on purchasing two either of these and placing them in Raid 1 in my Synology NAS. It's regarding the 6tb Ironwolf and 8tb WD Red (EFAX CMR). WD Gold 12TB (WD121KRYZ) I know that all three of them work at 7200rpm, they have 256MB of cache and 5 years warranty. Go. IME IronWolf 4TB drives run cooler than older WD Red 3TB drives. I recently had a 4TB IronWolf totally die within a few weeks of commisioning, and it was replaced by the store. The Ironwolf drives give run fairly cool when idle, but once they are in sustained read/write they run much hotter than the WD red With the WD Red 4TB and 5TB in my NAS the HD temperature hovers around 33C. What about vibration reduction/protection and health monitoring? Seagate IronWolf 2TB vs WD Red 2TB. Go figure.

31 comments. Close. WD Red vs. Seagate Ironwolf (NAS hard drives) Question? 2. With this new bump up in capacity an 8-bay NAS can have a whopping 80TB of … Bekijk. Score: 4 € 109,15. With the Ironwolf, idle is slightly lower, but with sustained read/write the temperature easily bcomes 49C. IronWolf has the advantage of the Data Recovery Service for 2 years. Hello Je me suis monté un petit serveur sur fibre symétrique 250Mbit/s.

2. WD Red Pro 10TB (WD101KFBX) 3. Based on 36,970 user benchmarks for the Seagate IronWolf (2016) and the WD Red (2012), we rank them both on effective speed and value for money against the best 1,015 HDDs. share. And they run significantly hotter than 5200/5900rpm drives. Volgende pagina: 2. Dong Ngo | Dong Knows Tech. Apple iPhone SE (2020) Microsoft Xbox Series X LG … Why would I choose one over the other? Which of these two drives will be my best option from a sound level perspective? Next Last. WD continues to expand the capacities of its popular Red brand of HDDs with the latest being 10TB. Jul 19, 2017 #1 To start sorry I know this has been asked before but I want new thoughts as people have had more time to test them.

Posté le 19-11-2017 à 13:41:07 . The WD Red SA500 SSD is available in standard 2.5-inch and M.2 form factors. Based on 36,970 user benchmarks for the Seagate IronWolf (2016) and the WD Red (2012), we rank them both on effective speed and value for money against the best 1,015 HDDs.

81% Upvoted. Compare: WD Red vs Seagate IronWolf When you get your expandable NAS out of the packaging, your NAS won't have any storage capacity yet. WD Red vs. Seagate Ironwolf (NAS hard drives) Question? Thread starter Ykno; Start date Jul 19, 2017; Tags 3tb; 1; 2; Next. Beide geven ook drie jaar garantie. Posted by 1 year ago.

WD Red Pro 10TB (WD101KFBX) 3. WD Gold 12TB (WD121KRYZ) I know that all three of them work at 7200rpm, they have 256MB of cache and 5 years warranty.

By placing hard drives specially developed for NAS, you'll be sure that all your backups, movies, photos, and personal files are safe.

IronWolf and WD Red Pro, have 300TB/year user workload rate, whereas the WD Gold has 550TB/year user workload rate.

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