The SQL INSERT INTO Statement. INSERT INTO SELECT requires that data types in source and target tables match The existing records in the target table are unaffected The most obvious benefit of this syntax, in my opinion, is that is puts the column names and insert values in very close proximity. The first way specifies both the column names and the values to be inserted: Set is an associative container and contains only unique elements, therefore an insertion in set can fail if a similar element is already present in set. The INSERT INTO statement is used to insert new records in a table. insert into 【テーブル名】 set 【フィールド名1】=【値1】, 【フィールド名2】=【値2】, ・・・; データを追加してみよう データを追加する書式1 The set add() method adds a given element to a set. Because elements in a set are unique, the insertion operation checks whether each inserted element is equivalent to an element already in the container, and if so, the element is not inserted, returning an iterator to this existing element (if the function returns a value).
It is possible to write the INSERT INTO statement in two ways. If the element is already present, it doesn't add any element. The INSERT INTO SELECT statement copies data from one table and inserts it into another table.
在标准的SQL语句中,插入一条语句是用: insert into table (field1,field2) values (value1,value2) 而MySQL中提供了一条扩展语句: insert into table set field1 = value1,field2 = value2 第一个是SQL标准,第二个是MySQL的扩展(也就是说只能用在mysql数据库中的) MySQL中insert语句value和set的区别. INSERT INTO Syntax. Set provides 3 different overloaded version of insert() function to add element in set. For a similar container allowing for duplicate elements, see multiset. This completely eliminates the possibility of providing column names and values in an incorrect order. Let’s discuss them one by one, Inserting a Single element in Set and checking the result.

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