The client is specifically designed to be used in node.js, as an "Installed Application". Step 2 is the creation of express/nodejs app. Setup oauth client credentials in Google These steps are based on Google's documentation . OAuth Libraries for Node.js. Click this button to create a new Cloud Platform project and automatically enable the Google Apps Script API: Enable the Google Apps Script API. Learn more . You learned how to integrate Cloud Storage and Cloud Vision into a node.js application and use OAuth 2.0 to authenticate users! Fear not, OAuth2 and the Client Credentials grant type are actually quite simple once you know what you’re working with.

Active 1 year, 3 months ago. Node.js Google OAuth2 Client. The OAuth2 protocol is pretty large and allows users to authenticate in several different ways. Installation npm i google-oauth2-node --save Usage Getting Started with the Google API Client library for Node.js. If you're invoking a google cloud run service from your own server, you'll have to manually generate the proper JWT token in order to acces to it. OpenID Certified™ Client implementation for Node.js; Grant; PassportJS; OAuth2-client-js; Server Libraries. A Google account with Google Drive enabled; Step 1: Turn on the Google Apps Script API. Here you'll find the best Node.js libraries for building OAuth clients and servers. This library is low-level wrapper for Google REST APIs, for a more idiomatic way of accessing Google Cloud Platform APIs, use the gcloud-node library. Step 4 describes the Google API part, which importantly sets-up OAuth, and defines which Google APIs to use. Node.js - Send Email Using Gmail with Nodemailer + OAuth2 Posted on 17 Jun 2018 by Ivan Andrianto Sending email using web application is a common thing, espeically for sending automatic emails such as password reset or email confirmation. If you just want to look at the code, a sample project is available on Github. Google OAuth2 API Refresh Tokens. Welcome to Part 4 of our Easy Node Authentication with Passport series. Google Cloud Run oAuth with Node. What we've covered Get the client-id and client-secret. Viewed 5k times 3.

With the google oauth2 library, I can successfully authenticate a user on their first pass through, get their refresh token and first access token. This is the heart of the program. Client Libraries. Method 3: Node.js OAuth2 - Google Developer Console and npm google-spreadsheet package. Follow the steps below, described in the images and you will be able to generate the client-id and client-secret.

Note that this guide assumes you know how to set up a Node.JS project and install dependencies, and have created the project in the Google Developer Console.

Here is my personal reminder :).

The third-party app has to make a POST request to the OAuth endpoint (in our case /oauth/token) with a HTTP Basic Auth header with contents being the app’s client id and client secret encoded in base64 and separated by a : (“Authorization: Basic CLIENT_ID:CLIENT_SECRET”). In resulting dialog click DOWNLOAD CLIENT CONFIGURATION and save the file credentials.json to your working directory. Step 3 goes over the main program file: app.js. 4 min read.

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