Thanks for the idea of breaking down a formula Werner!. In cell B1 I use = Right(A1,30) then In cell C1 I use = Substitute(B1,"","") I was wondering if there is a way that I combine both the Right and Substitute function into just one cell. Hi Forum, I use the following formula to extract the information I need.

To get the last word from a text string, you can use a formula based on the TRIM, SUBSTITUTE, RIGHT, and REPT functions. You might tell Excel to replace any instance of “2016” with “2017,” for example. If Excel’s LEFT() function gets the text on the left side of a string, and Excels RIGHT() function gets the text of the right side of a string, then it’s pretty clear that MID() should stand for middle (or midway? Excel Formula Training. To get the last word from a text string, you can use a formula based on the TRIM, SUBSTITUTE, RIGHT, and REPT functions.

I’m not actually sure. first instance, second instance, etc.). Hi all, I'm trying to remove the need for creating several columns to tidy up some data; I want to create a reference number from a supplier name in upper case and remove any spaces e.g "AC Air Systems Ltd" becomes "ACAIR001" I can do this in a couple of steps using =SUBSTITUTE(A2," ","") and =UPPER(LEFT(A3,5)&"001") but was hoping there was a way I could combine the functions to …

The FIND function finds the position of the dash.

The Excel SUBSTITUTE function can replace text by matching. If you attempt to do this, all you will get is a few last digits of the number representing a date. To extract a substring (of any length) after the dash, add the LEN and the FIND function.

In this accelerated training, you'll learn how to use formulas to manipulate text, work with dates and times, lookup values with VLOOKUP and INDEX & MATCH, count and sum with criteria, dynamically rank …

If I wanted to do it from left to right I would have used the substitute function (=SUBSTITUTE(A1;1;2;1)) but this is not the case. =RIGHT(A1, 5) -> 32830 =RIGHT(A2, 5) -> 10004 =RIGHT(A3, 5) -> 82190 Excel’s MID() Text Function. One option would be to reverse the codes in the cell, then using "substitute" and finally reversing again the cell. SUBSTITUTE selects based on whether the string matches a predefined search. In the example shown, the formula in C6 is: =TRIM(RIGHT(SUBSTITUTE(B6," ",REPT(" ",100)),100)) Which returns the word "time". Since the Excel RIGHT function is designed to work with text strings whereas dates are represented by numbers in the internal Excel system, a Right formula is unable to retrieve an individual part of a date such as a day, month or year. To get the last word from a text string, you can use a formula based on the TRIM , SUBSTITUTE , RIGHT , and REPT functions. Using Alt+Enter allows one to put each bit of a complex substitute formula on separate lines: they become easier to follow and automatically line themselves up when Enter is pressed. The only problem is that FIND and SEARCH look from left to right in a string. Explanation: the LEN function returns the length of the string. It has RIGHT, LEFT, and TRIM to manage sub-strings.

To extract the rightmost characters from a string, use the RIGHT function in Excel. Use the SUBSTITUTE function when you want to replace text based on its content, not position. The Excel REPLACE and SUBSTITUTE functions are very similar to each other in that both are designed to swap text strings.

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