The film is distributed by Pure Flix, who released it on March 20, 2015. 1 Peter 3:15.

A lot of people say that they believe.

Instead, when someone asks "Do you believe in God?" The biggest question, I believe, as you have asked, is whether or not God exists. That question. Oh no! His response ignites a journey that impacts everyone it touches in ways that only God could orchestrate. Have you ever been asked this question? He said if you do not want to believe what I'm telling you, you should at least believe in me based on the miracles you're seeing. Are you prepared to answer this question? is a 2015 Christian drama film directed by Jon Gunn and stars an ensemble cast featuring Ted McGinley, Mira Sorvino, Andrea Logan White, Lee Majors, Alexa PenaVega, Sean Astin, Madison Pettis, Cybill Shepherd, and Brian Bosworth. Yall need to believe in god, he is the one who made you, create people, if he didn't did that, we all would die. Do you believe in God? How you answer that question will determine nearly every other answer to the big questions in your life. I never seen god before, but a least he made the world, animals, people, things. It is not a person and does not have a name or write books or prefer one group of people over another. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. 6:23). What a powerful testimony!

Meaning, I feel I shouldn’t have to prove His existence that it should be on the atheist to prove his/her case to the contrary. He would never help me. But if I had to summarize in one sentence what I believe about God, I would simply say that God loves us, in spite of our sin and rebellion—and the proof is that He sent His only Son, Jesus Christ, into the world to make it possible for us to become part of His family forever. Do you really believe God?

I’m no scientist, but I believe there is enough scientific evidence to support a designer. YES I BELIEVE IN THE TRUE GOD AND HIS NAME IS JEHOVAH: The true God is the creator of all things.

Fear has lost it! it simply comes off as a judgmental attack.

His response ignites a journey that impacts everyone it touches in ways that only God could orchestrate. But do this with gentleness and respect. 7.

Do you believe? I think the idea was made up for ancestors looking for meaning in their lives, and to satisfy their fear of the unknown. I recently had a conversation about Genesis with a Christian who is a university campus worker (‘UW’). Directed by Jon Gunn. But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Here is the truth: Death leads to immediate heaven or hell. Life starts to spiral downwards, what are you most likely to do.

When a pastor is shaken by the visible faith of a street corner preacher, he is reminded that true belief always requires action. I suppose I was known for being snarky anyway (a product of years spent taking the brunt of jokes and diatribes directed toward Catholics), so … Do you really believe in God?

Don't ever lose hope or patience.

Also, if you believe in God, desire to do good, have a personal relationship with God, and are willing to fill yourself up with God, then the Holy Spirit will be always be there to guide you. “Yes, I believe in god.” But the god that a lot of. people say they believe in is not the God of creation. When we get to the place where we really believe that God is who He says He is and will do what He says He will do, next time we struggle to forgive and surrender, it will be possible. has been asked of hundreds of millions of people around the world. Or maybe your beliefs are growing and changing all the time, and it helps to attach theological labels to them along the way. Why I Believe in God - The Disproving Test Firstly, I want to say that I believe God should be the default here. the answer has been most of the time? Why Do You Believe in God?

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